Peter's Ham Radio pages

Location: Barossa Valley, South Australia


 is active on 50 / 144 / 432 & 1296 MHz

First licenced as: VK6ZSP (1979-1982) then VK8ZLX (1982-1994) then

VK6ZLX (1994-1996) and VK5ZLX (1996 to 2005) for a brief time in 1990 as VK9ZLX Lord Howe Is.

Grid Square: PF95mk

Lat: 34º 33.69 South

Long: 139º 02.56 East

Elevation:  460 Metres ASL at base of tower. (63 metres below the Trig point 1 Km to my west)

Polners Trig, is just up the road from me and is my closest "high spot". It is also blocks my path to the North West :-(
Lucky for me the land owner is not apposed to me going portable at the Trig, which I did on the VHF field day, Jan 2005

QSL Info: P.O Box 614 Tanunda, S.A Australia, 5352
Elevation:  523 Metres ASL at base of trig point

Tower and antennas

Tower Project MK I

The first tower I looked at was way too rusty to work with, so I left it alone.

Tower Project MK II

Here is the tower I actually bought.

Tower Costings

What it has taken so far to get it to this stage

Tower Progress 2004

Here is what has going on during 2004

Tower Progress 2005

Here is what has going on during 2005

Tower goes UP!

What can I say, here is where it comes to life

Tower Progress in 2006

At last we get some yagi's and a rotator, now this looks promising

Tower Progress in 2007 & 2008

The M2 is up, worked the first JA for many years and things start to look good, then a small hiccup
One Man Tower 2020
A One Man Tower (OMT) joins the family in 202 for 50 MHz EME.
Southern Cross Tower info PDF scans of some information from Southern Cross
Help on selecting a rotator pipe Yes there is more to it than just going to metal land and getting a length of water pipe (like I have done previously)
Driling round booms for a yagi Some helpfil ideas on how to drill a round boom for a VHF / UHF yagi
Photo's of the JIGS a random selection of photo's from my jigs for drilling round booms
50 MHz YagiM2 6M2WL 50 MHz yagi prepares to go up at the Barossa QTH
6M2WL Feed re-work
re-working the feed block of a M2 6M2WLC yagi to eliminate bad connections
Repairing the 6M2WL Since 1989 the M2 6M2WL 50 MHz yagi has seen some windy times so some repairs were needed,
YU7EF Yagi projectMy version of the YU7EF yagi antennas
432 MHz yagi Based on a K1FO design but it does not use insulated elements and a folded dipole
Mast Head pre-ampsStill an on-going project to put up quality home built masthead amps for 144, 432 & 1296 MHz

Shack and General info
The original Shack

Progress and growth of the shack

General pics A collection of pictures from the past... Northern Territory & Western Australia
Trig Point Hill  Radio related photos from around the current QTH in the Barossa Valley
The new Shack's progress Yep its been a while but here is a Oct 2009 update
The Shack's progress in 2011I had three weeks of leave so started on some shelves for the shack
Contact Logs VK8ZLX
All of my VK8ZLX logs
Contact Logs VK9ZLX All of my VK9ZLX logs
NEC V360CL amplifier for 144MHz (ex TV channel 5A)
TVI filtersAs we live in a fringe area, our received signal is not very good, here is one way to help it
LARCAN power AmpsHere are some resources abou the ex-TV transmitter LARCAN 1KW pep amps for VHF lowband (including 50MHz with mods)
2019 Fire damage
In Feb 2019 a fire damaged the radio shack, leading to 5 months of dealing with my insurance company (not good for your mental health I can tell you) I have decided to not add photos as it just proves to be a trigger for bad memories even 5 yeats later (2023)
Station Earthing
It has taken me a long time to get this but finally the station gets a decent earth for the operating bench

Tropo Charts William Hepburns tropo predictions
VK Spotter VHF / UHF realtime logger
VK Classifieds Buy and sell, plus lots of other resources